Garrigans In Flight – Summer Update 2024

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19

Dear partners in ministry,

We are eager to update you all regarding life and ministry.

Our twins, Asher Isaiah and Abigail Noelle arrived December 29th. We are so grateful they made it to term, are healthy, and avoided NICU time. They are a joy and blessing! We have also had much adjusting to do. Nathan and Lilly are hitting their stride in helping with baby care. Nathan and Lilly also had their own major milestones in completing 8th and 5th grades and preparing to move into High School and Middle School! We are proud. As you can imagine welcoming twins into our family has been a whirlwind, even so there are many updates in our ministry with MAG to share as well.

Our medical brigade in Rus Rus was a success and blessing again this March. Our team there organized it a bit different this year and we were glad to hear the patient flow felt more manageable. 861 patients were seen!

Pastoral training is continuing to build. Connections we helped build while in Honduras are continuing to bear fruit and we praise God for this! The training this spring was from the book of 2 Timothy.

Another exciting event was a marriage retreat in Rus Rus. This has been a desired outreach for many years and we praise the Lord it came to fruition recently. Due to their cultural situation and the challenge of securing legal documents it is really unique for couples to forge life long marriages. We are glad to have the chance to help the community learn more from God’s Word in this area of life.

In this season of having new babies to care for we miss traveling to Honduras ourselves, but have been grateful for the ways we have been able to equip others. Carmen continues to manage MAG’s mobilizing efforts, equipping short term teams, and caring for MAG staff. A nursing student asked to do an internship with MAG- Carmen has worked all school year to help her prepare and she just landed in Honduras. We are excited to see how God moves in her life.

Sean continues to lead flight training and IT at MAG. Our apprentices have been progressing steadily. Stephen completed his Instrument Rating and Bryan’s training is nearing completion, having just returned from his flight experience in Tepic Mexico.

Bryan flying with UIM Aviation in Tepic MX

Sean attended 2 events this winter that made great connections with the mission aviation community. The first was at JAARS called train the trainer. JAARS provided training to group of organizations prepairing pilot/mechanics for the mission field.

Then in March Sean attended IAMA’s (International Association of Mission Aviation) Annual Conference. Some highlights of this year’s conference were understanding Gen Z and their aviation ministry calling, the MAF mentoring program for new families, and balancing team gifts and skills using Working Genius.

We now have a MAG staff member dedicated to media so our Facebook page is getting more attention. If you don’t follow MAG on Facebook this is a great time to do so!

We are so grateful for your continued prayers and support. It is a privilege to give our lives to furthering the Great Commission and we couldn’t do it without you.We are so blessed by your presence in our lives and your partnership in the Gospel!


Blessings in Christ,

Sean and Carmen Garrigan

Dayton area friends:
Please come and say hello! We will be having a meet and greet at Corinth Presbyterian Church from 10:30-12:30pm Saturday June 22.
4281 Corinth Blvd, Dayton, OH 45410