In total we had the opportunity to share Jesus’ love with over 200 children. Many of these children finished this week expressing a desire to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This was the 5th annual VBS in Rus Rus (the village where our Honduras field program is based). What was new this year is that the Holy Spirit led us to also go to the village of Suhi for 3 afternoons. Suhi is a village on the Coco River just across from Nigaragua. Our travel to Suhi was a bumpy 1-1.5 hour drive each way in the back Kia truck. My tummy doesn’t do great on bumpy roads, but as soon as we started interacting with the children and felt their enthusiasm my queasiness went away and I was so glad we made the trek. When we traveled to Suhi we brought with us several teenagers from Rus Rus who had the opportunity to be missionaries as well! Their presence was great as we were equipping them to lead and serve. It was also great to have their translating help as many children in each village only speak Mosquito. When I would try to communicate in Spanish and would get a blank look I could ask one of the teenagers for their help to translate from Spanish to Mosquito. They would also sing VBS praise songs the whole way home which made the long ride so much better.