Over our years of serving the Lord we’ve become firm believers that a lot of ministry happens in transitions. In the last month we’ve had the opportunity to be the ones offering transition ministry and receiving transition ministry. A few big transitions in this past month…
The Powells have launched to Guatemala for a few months of language school before they begin service in the MAG Guatemala field program. You may remember from the fall that Sean helped Ben with the first part of his getting reacquainted with Cessna airplanes. Since the fall the Powells have been in and out of Burlington as they have prepared for the field. We’ve really enjoyed developing a friendship with them during their time here. Lilly will especially miss play time with their 2 little girls. As a headquarters team we were glad to send the Powells off with love, celebration and prayer.
Another MAG couple, The Braxtons, has been working through a battle with cancer for the past two years. Their next step is a bone marrow transplant for the wife at a hospital in Washington D.C.. Last night we sent them off with love and prayers.
We moved a week ago from our temporary housing at Siloam Missionary Homes into our new house. Our new address is 1928 Norththrop Drive Whitsett NC 27377. We are thankful for God’s provision for all this to happen and those who have ministered to use with physical help to get the move done. Moving is so overwhelming! We were blessed by our year at Siloam. While this location had some challenges, we have been grateful for our time there to get to know the area and many other missionary families. One of the most precious friendships that we’ve developed during our time at Siloam is with a couple who has served with Missionary Aviation Fellowship for 30+ years and is moving into a recruiting role. The husband went to the same college as Sean, the wife has a Presbyterian background, they love to play games and obviously share a love for mission aviation.

There are staff transitions happening in our Honduras field program as well. Sean leaves this Wednesday (July 12) to spend some time there in Rus Rus to make sure the physical part of the base there is in decent shape and that the transition leadership is equipped to maintain the generators, etc.. This transition has created a good opportunity to develop more national leadership. Pray that God would help Sean with whatever he encounters and that the Lord would have His hand on that transition. The second part of the trip will be flying the 206 from Honduras to North Carolina for some major maintenance needs. This will be at least a 2 day journey for Sean and Paul (the Guatemala program director).

Thanks for your prayers and financial gifts that power this ministry of bringing Help and Hope by Air!
The Garrigans