Garrigans In Flight – 2018 Fall Adventures
Dear Partners in Ministry, We wanted to share a few updates about what has been happening around the airport in Burlington (and beyond) and some prayer requests. August was the best month we’ve had yet for flight training in terms … Continued
Garrigans In Flight – 2018 Summer Growth
Dear Partners in Ministry, We thank God for a great summer. This is the first summer in 3 years where we haven’t needed to move, so that feels extra great. We recently hit our 2 year mark in North Carolina. … Continued
Garrigans In Flight – Spring 2018 Updates
May the joy, power and glory of our resurrected Lord fill you with all hope now and always! Some highlights since our last newsletter… Sean and Steve, MAG Chief Pilot/ Acting CEO, went to JAARS (the aviation branch of Wycliffe … Continued
VBS in Honduras January 2018
As I sat in worship this morning in Durham the immense contrasts between my worship experience last Sunday were inescapable. Last Sunday I had the delightful opportunity to preach in a small Catholic Church in the remote village of Mahbita. … Continued
Tend the Fire – December 2017 Newsletter
This was the instruction given to the descendants of Aaron as they served the Lord through regular offerings in the tabernacle and then in the temple. While burnt offerings are no longer a part of our worship as Christ … Continued
Apprentices on the Go – October 2017 Newsletter
In the world of mission aviation male pilots tend to outnumber female pilots. Yet, the first pilot for one of the largest mission aviation organizations (MAF) was a female. Her name is Betty Greene. Flying in over 30 countries from … Continued
Summer In Central America – Sept 2017 Newsletter
Ministry tools come in all shapes and sizes, some you can hold and some that hold you. They help us to carry out the work and ministry that God has called to undertake in His name. In youth ministry old … Continued
GarrigansInFlight – Summer July 2017
Over our years of serving the Lord we’ve become firm believers that a lot of ministry happens in transitions. In the last month we’ve had the opportunity to be the ones offering transition ministry and receiving transition ministry. A few … Continued
MAG Open House & Hangar Dedication 2017
The air was filled with anticipation. The day we had spent months preparing for as a team had arrived. Some teammates set out crafts and passport activities for the kids’ zone. Others were out staging signs, balloons and parking spots. … Continued
Medical Brigade In Rus Rus, Honduras 2017
Touching down in San Pedro Sula, a wall of humid air greeted me warmly as I stepped off the plane and headed to baggage to claim my luggage and make my way through customs. MAG has been partnering with IHS … Continued